A WAKE FOR TONI (arrival) It was the olive-picking season, the octopus hunting had begun, the last glimmers of summer were fading, and I certainly wouldn’t have gone back there, only you can’t go back to somewhere you’ve never been. No, I guess I would never have visited that...
(multiple one) there once was a woman who lowered a pendulum into the sea hoping this would it turn upside down – who listened through a golden funnel, until the sea entered her ear, through the ear into the palace – who was trying to leave fingerprints on the...
Mediterranean is becoming a mass grave was always a mass grave as soon as it rises it takes lovers, its bottom covered with keels luring and lashing: there’s land on the other side, towns to be piled to be fertilized the sea of heroes equipping their ships with wooden...
September 8th. Dear Rosa, I’ve been thinking for a long time about how it would be pleasant to write to you. But it is only today, facing the usual chaos in the office – no, it has not diminished over time – that I almost unintentionally wrote the date...